
Holocaust Hoax??

The Holocaust during WWII is certainly one of the greatest tragedies that comes to mind in the history of the world. As such, it has generally been taken for granted that all of the statistics involved are accurate, and anyone who would question them is certainly an anti-Semitic fool. The number 6,000,000 was drilled into my head by school books and school teachers for many years. I've never even considered that the Holocaust could possibly be a hoax. Certainly I've heard rumors about it, but I've never taken them seriously or researched the possibility at all. It would be equivalent to questioning the terrorists attacks of 9/11/01 (a la 'Loose Change').

As such, it surprised me to find such interesting and thought-provoking evidence on Dr. E. R. Fields' website (http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/wasthere.htm). Obviously anyone can get something on the Internet, so it is important to analyze where you are getting your information from, and how credible it is, but Dr. Fields' website seems to pass most of the tests. First, he is registered on a .org domain. I don't know a lot about domain registration, but from what I can tell you generally need to be fairly legitimate to garner a .org domain. Additionally, he cites many legitimate publications such as The World Almanac, New York Times, International Red Cross, etc.

The most striking thing I saw on the website was the discrepency between dozens of documents and experts on how many Jews were living in the area, and how many Jews were put to death in concentration camps. At the end he listed two dozen sources that told of the Jews put to death during WWII that vary from 135,000 to 9,000,000. I'm certainly no expert on the subject, and I haven't done nearly enough research to make a certain claim on it, but I would lean closer to the 135,000 side than I would the 9,000,000. I don't think that the Holocaust was a hoax, but there isn't a lot of hardcore evidence to show the 6,000,000 supposed murders.

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