
Introducint the new mascot for the University of Maryland...

Currently the Terrapin handles all mascot duties for University of Maryland athletics. However, after doing a little research I think that there is a much better option: the Maryland Goatman. According to unknown-creatures.com, the Maryland Goatman first appeared in the 1970's. He is purported to roam near the area of Prince George's County in Maryland, which borders the east side of Washington, D.C.

According to legend, the goatman's first appearance was to a young, love-making couple innocently parked along a dark country road. He jumped onto the hood of their car, startling them. When they looked up, they saw a goat-looking man wielding a double-edged axe.

In a different report, the goatman appeared in the backyard of a lady's house. Her dog was making a ruckus in the backyard, and when she looked out the window, she saw the figure lurking around where her dog was tied up. When she went outside in the morning to investigate, she found that her dog had been beheaded. High-pitched squeals are the commonly reported sound from the goatman.

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